Tag: Cybersmart

Components of a Quality Blog Post!

For Cybersmart this week Team tui and I were learning about the components of a quality blog post. Then we had to find a blog post of our own that showed all of the components. Next we had to link all the parts that showed the components. If it showed all of the components then it is a quality blog post. The four components are unique and interesting title, Category and tags, Digital learning object and information about my learning. Hopefully I will continue to use these exponenents every time I blog, escpecially this blog post.z

Doing the right thing on google meet/ Cybersmart Week 4

For cybersmart this week we learnt to do the right thing on google meet. We had to watch a video and basically do a quiz on what we learnt on the video. You can go through my slides and see what the right thing is to do on google meets. Remember to do the right thing at the right time.