Year: 2023

Year 8 Leavers Assembly

Today on the 8th of December it was the year 8s assembly. For the year 8 assembly there was also pasifika pearls. The year 8s including me had special certificates that described them. It was fun and interesting seeing the year 8s that are gonna leave. Everything goes so quick I can’t believe that us year 8s are gonna leave really soon.

SLJ Activity 1/ Create Superhero

For the first SLJ activity we had to create a superhero. Afi means fire so is abilitys were about fire. We had included the world they live in, Family Connection, Transportation, Nemesis, Friends/sidekicks, Abilities/Weakness, Weapons and the challenges they face. This chalenge was fun and interesting.

Components of a Quality Blog Post!

For Cybersmart this week Team tui and I were learning about the components of a quality blog post. Then we had to find a blog post of our own that showed all of the components. Next we had to link all the parts that showed the components. If it showed all of the components then it is a quality blog post. The four components are unique and interesting title, Category and tags, Digital learning object and information about my learning. Hopefully I will continue to use these exponenents every time I blog, escpecially this blog post.z


For Maths today we learnt how to use google sheets when you are budgeting. Our task was to plan a holiday and the budget had to be under ten thousand dollars. We could take a number of people on our holiday then multiply the cost by that number of people. I chose 3 people to take with me on my holiday. All of it added together comes up to 8,295 and the balance is 1,705. Balance is the money left over. This is a good way to learn budgeting especially for the upcoming future.


Yesterday the 21st of November a variety of students were selected to go to rainbows end. The reason people were selected to go, was because they were hard working students and had a leader role in Glen Taylor School. The rainbows end trip was a treat for the hard working students. I’m thankful for the oppurtunity to go rainbows end because it’s pretty rare. It was really fun and exciting, I really liked the scary rides and hanging out with my friends and teachers. My favourite ride was the stratosfear that went 360.


Today for maths we could recap on some of strategies we forgot how to do. I chose to do division using algorithm because I forgot a bit of the strategie. Overall it was a good recap to remember the things I have forgotten. If you have forgotten a strategie work on it or ask. It’s better understanding it then just leaving it not know how to do it.

Multiplying fractions

For maths today, group 4A and 4E learnt how to multiply fractions. Learning to multiply fractions was actually more simple than I thought. It is really easy you just multiply the numerator then multiply the denominator and if the fraction turns out to be improper then make it a proper fraction and there is your answer. I have adjusted to multiplying fractions and I believe that I have almost mastered this skill. Learning a new skill is always interesting and fun.

Athletics DAY !!!

On Friday the 10th of November Glentaylor school had athletics day. There were a variety of fun activities such as high jump, long jump, discus, shockput, rob the nest, sprints and relays. It was also very exciting seeing people step out of their comfort zone and giving everything a try. I liked how everyone was encouraging each other and believing themselves and others. I had lots of fun, days like this you don’t want to miss out on.


Today on Friday the 27th on October Island Breeze came to peform for our school. Having Island breeze to perform was so cool beacuse it was nice seeing people embrace their culture. I really liked the the crowd interaction. The music was out standing and the presence just felt like the islands. I also loved how they made us laugh especially the M.C. They said alot of motivational words but I think the main one was we are all unique. They would always find a way to try make us laugh. I enjoyed it and I am very thankful for them coming to our school.


Did you know that there are different types of numbers ? We also learnt that finite means limited and infinite means unlimited. There is a thing called whole numbers and it’s basically just number 0 counting forwards. Counting/Natural number means counting 1 sforward. Integers are negative and positive number counting backwards and forwards. Irrational are numbers or fractions that are continous when expressed as a decimal. Rational numbers have a definite end when expressed as a decimal. Real numbers are all of these combined. This is what we learnt today for maths. It was pretty interesting and a little bit fun getting to learn new things.