Year: 2023

Inference Task Cards

Today I completed a inferencing task. We have to do this when we are not with teacher. This task helps us to warm up our skills on inferencing. We had to answer the questions with what we inferenced in the text. Doing this inferencing task was really interesting and helped me gain mor skills on inferencing.

Probability Games

For maths this morning team tui and I learnt about probability using games. Some games included some math into it. The first game we played was blocko. To play blocko you have to have a paper, pencil, blocks and some dices. Then we got split into three groups and there was three rotations of games. My group started off with flip the cardes then we went to flip the bottle lastly we went to greedy pig. Then we played two other games to finish it of. Overall this was really fun I wish we would always learn stuff like this.

Using Charts

For maths our level 4 group was learning how to make chart. We were comparing the subject choices for the kids to do and how many students wanted which. The highest vote was for food technology. The reason we had to create graphs was because it was more eye catching.


For Reading I watched a video about infrence. Inference basically means something you figure out by putting clues together and making a guess. We also use in our daily life sometimes we don’t even realize it. An example of an inference is if you see a ripped up book on your bed but your dog is on the bed as well. So you would thing that your dog ripped the book up because you put the evidence together and made a guess that it was your dog.

Maths Prototec

For Maths we had the choice to choose hit the button or prototec and I chose prototec. In prototec I tried stage seven but my goal for the next time I do prototec is get one hundred percent. I was so close from getting to 100 so thats my goal for next time. Practicing stage seven was really fun for Maths.

Matariki Festival


My honest opinion of the Matariki Festival was exiting. Seeing people celebrate our nations culture was a good experience. I had a lot of fun and when I was at my stall it was nice to see people engaged that I haven’t seen engaged so much. People who wanted to participate I feel like I explained it properly.

Some things I would like to change is my approch of people I think I was laching in trying to get people to come. At the end of the day our group did good because all of our prizes ran out.

Stardome Trip

On Thiursday Team Tui went on a trip to stardome. At stardome Team Tui and I were learning about Matariki and how to find it. We did a scavenger hunt to find the answers of the questions. We also got to experience the story of Matariki and the stars around it or related to it. We entered a 3D theatre. This experience was fun and I definitly recommend you to go there.

Tongan language week

Last week was tongan language week. Team tui prepared a Tongan song and a Tongan dance. First they set up a runway to explain some of Tongans traditional clothes. Next there we some dances and then we got up to sing a song. Finally the our Tongan group got up to perform. all the people that performed are in this picture. We also ate at the end. Dont be shy to embrace your identity.