Year: 2023


For writing rm11 was learning about hyperboles. Our task was to find the meanings of some hyperboles. After we found the meaning of each hyperbole we had to write 5 of our own. Hyperbole is an exaggerated statment. It was a fun way to learn about hyperboles. Can you guess the meanings of my hyperboles that I wrote. Would you do this activity if you had the chance?

Basketball 3v3

On Thursday 10 June there was a three v three tournament. The 3v3 tournament was held in Taknini. In this picture there is my team. We won 1 out of 3. It was super fun and a good experience. The teams that we were versing was most of our local schools. There were teams for girls and boys.

Doing the right thing on google meet/ Cybersmart Week 4

For cybersmart this week we learnt to do the right thing on google meet. We had to watch a video and basically do a quiz on what we learnt on the video. You can go through my slides and see what the right thing is to do on google meets. Remember to do the right thing at the right time.

Creating a circle using a compass

Today team tui was learning about circles for maths. We had to explain what a circle is. So what is a circle? A circle is many dots joined together to become a circle. A circle has infinite symmetry. Circumference is the outline of the circle. Radius is a half of a diameter. A sector is a part of the circle. The whole circle is 4.5 cm.

Kelly Sports/Rugby League

On Tuesday morning room 11 attended Kelly Sports. We were learning how to play rugby. On Tuesday room 11 was practicing tackling drills with their buddy. Some activities we did were gold rush but instead of tagging each other the taggers and to tackle you then you would be in. I loved how people that didn’t know how to play rugby league or didn’t like rugby league still participated. I love how people still gave it their best and never gave up. We also played a game similar to invisible touch but we had a ball and you had to tackle the person with the ball. We also learnt some passing drills. There were different types of passes named spiral and flick pass. Overall, getting to experience Kelly sports was exciting and fun learning new things. I liked having Kelly sports over. I enjoyed the activities they set for us and this was an amazing experience and I’m thankful for them coming.